A semi-open forum to slam (or support) whatever i dream up on my blogs. Have fun! :)

Monday, July 31, 2006

Highway 61 revisted

Oh Howard just pointed with his gun & said, "That way." down highway 61
- Dylan

US Highway 61's northern terminus is Duluth, Minnesota, but state highway 61 continues north from there to the Canadian border. That bit of highway is arguably the most scenic in the entire state, running alongside Lake Superior. If any of you all ever get the chance, run it in the early fall; and, well, you will know. :) The last time I did so, I saw a cow moose standing along the highway, just south of Grand Marais.

Ahhh, but now the joke. I've worked this one a little in the chatroom, and it seems to go over pretty well. All it requires is a bit of knowledge of a certain 1960s cartoon. :) I may have a previous post with this joke in it, but it bears repeating, imo. (I'm too lazy to check right now bwah, nyah, pbbb)

Recently, some unnamed fellow was driving his small German-manufactured car on a road through the northern Minnesota woods. As he rounded a tree-lined curve, he ran smack into the rear end of a very large bull moose. The moose looks back to see what happened, then turns to a buddy off in the woods and exclaims, "Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit outta my ass!"

Drive the highway, people, and watch out for the twig-eaters, ok?

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