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Friday, August 08, 2008

I Got a Line on You

Let me take you baby, down to the river bed
Got to tell you somethin', go right to your head
Cause I got a line on you, babe
I got a line on you

- R. California

I've been spending most of my time this summer waiting and preparing for next fall's college term. In the meantime, I've been watching the Brewers do pretty well. Since I don't have a television of my own, I watch the games at the place where I also go to eat. That's handy for me, and this place also gives me somewhere to go when I'm bored. It's called the Amber Inn, and it's run by a very cool fellow by the name of Orv. One day, not too long ago, somebody got the bright idea to have a float on the local river that runs through town. This is the story of that fun-filled event, sponsored by the aforementioned Amber Inn.

Truthfully, in my opinion, the pictures pretty much speak for themselves. I've provided a few captions for you. We had about a dozen people on the float, most riding on some sort of inner tube. Orv sailed a canoe. Myself, I had a brandy-new tube to float on, and I had a very, very good time. I think we all did. Anyway, here you go!

This photo was taken at the Amber Inn's parking lot prior to our group loading up in the van and shuttling down to the start-landing.
Most of our group getting ready to start. The shove-off point on the river was just out of view behind the trees on the left.

Most of our group in the water, just before I got in.

Two views from the river. The large mostly-yellow float is actually a kiddie pool.

Our only stop along the way was this tree-swing. Hoo haa lots of fun!

Another view from the river.

The end of the line. The trip lasted about 4 1/2 hours, so we were pretty tired at this point.

And here we are back at the Amber Inn parking lot. The first thing most of us did was make plans for next year. Count me in!!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

what, no boobs?

8:05 AM

Blogger jeffox said...

Hiya folk face! Welcome to my blog, enjoy!

Boobs? If there were boobs there my mom wouldn'ta let me go.


12:56 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Jeff I was able to save the pictures but you should put the other ones on so I can access them. Thanks! Sarah

11:20 AM

Blogger jeffox said...

Hiya Sarah! Welcome to my blog!

I'll talk to you about more photos access.

Take care till I see ya again!

3:57 PM

Blogger bothenook said...

i love playing in the water...
you have some serious water resources where you are. not so much here, i'm afraid.

10:19 PM

Blogger jeffox said...

Hiya Bo! As ever, always nice to hear from a fellow submariner!

I hear what you're saying about water, Bo. Tell ya what, I could wish you some rain, eh? :)

1:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

fun in the sun...aw how sweet it is. So does the Fox finally have a face? I'm surprised you didn't melt in the river, as sweet as you are! Glad you're having a fun summer, life is short, enjoy it, rock man!
:o) Crazy stRanger woman

9:57 PM

Blogger jeffox said...

Oh, you betcha, Lori! As before, it's always a pleasure to hear from you again. :)

Oh, BTW, none of the photos in this article contain an image of the mysterious fox. That would have broken the camera, I'm afraid. :)

10:13 PM


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